CrossFit Myths and Misconceptions
As hard to believe as it is, once upon a time when CrossFit was first brought to the attention of the general public, it was sneered upon and considered nothing more than a fad that would soon die out and fade away into the pit of obscurity. That didn’t happen. In fact, the exact opposite happened.

CrossFit grew and expanded at an astonishing rate, and there are currently more CrossFit boxes (technical term for a CrossFit gym) than at any other point in time (well over 15,000).
CrossFit is best described as ‘functional fitness’. It isn’t quite cardio, it isn’t quite Olympic lifting, it isn’t quite bootcamp, it’s more like a hybrid of various different types of training all rolled into one with the ultimate goal of making participants fitter than ever before.
Because it is so popular, this global fitness phenomenon has found itself shrouded in mythology as there are heaps of myths and misconceptions out there surrounding CrossFit which will need debunking, and we plan on doing exactly that.
Here are several CrossFit myths and misconceptions that are simply not true.
The more you do the better
One of the most common misconceptions surrounding CrossFit, and exercise in general for that matter, is people assuming that the more you do the better.
People assume that the only way to progress in CrossFit is to do it 6 – 7 days per week, for hours on end. When exercising, it’s important to have rest days to allow your body to recover.
A big problem in the CrossFit community is a condition known as rhabdomyolysis. This is a condition which results in the breakdown of muscle tissue through overtraining and a lack of rest and recovery. Muscle fibres breakdown and enter the blood where they then are filtered out via the kidneys and excreted in urine so you are literally urinating away your muscle tissue.
When it comes to CrossFit, 4 – 5 sessions per week should be aimed for.
CrossFit is like the CrossFit Games
Over the years, the CrossFit Games tournament has become very popular, and as a result, this has caused some people to assume that all CrossFit sessions will be like the CrossFit Games. This is not true.
The CrossFit Games showcase, literally, the fittest men and women on the planet, taking part in workouts which border on superhuman. The average gym-goer wouldn’t stand a chance at doing these types of workouts, but thankfully they don’t have to.
CrossFit is for people of all abilities and is inclusive of everyone, so you certainly don’t need to be freakishly fit to take part.
CrossFit makes women too muscular
The beauty of CrossFit is the fact that you never know which workouts or exercises you will be doing. One minute you’re jogging on the spot, the next you’re doing push ups, and the next you might be lifting weights.
CrossFit is NOT about bodybuilding and it certainly doesn’t make women too muscular. What it does do is increase lean mass, burn fat, and tone the muscles, helping to give a lean and athletic look.
CrossFit is competitive
The CrossFit Games may be competitive, but actual CrossFit classes are the exact opposite.
The CrossFit community is friendly, welcoming, and encouraging. Rather than compete against other members of your class, you will instead cheer them on, motivate them, and help them, and in return they will do the same for you.