Health and Fitness Motivational Tips
When it comes to your health and fitness, or the health and fitness of others, can you honestly say that you’re doing everything in your power to make life as easy as possible for all party’s involved? Getting in shape is far from simple, and whether you’re looking to motivate yourself, or motivate others around you, it’s important to understand what needs to be done. Motivating others is especially difficult, but if you’re patient and have a little help and assistance from the right sources, it needn’t be as challenging as you may have thought. To help you motivate those you care about, here are some tried and tested health and fitness motivational tips to consider.
Encourage them,don’t coach them – Unless you happen to be a qualified personal trainer, or unless they specifically ask you, you should not try to coach your loved ones who happen to be trying to get in shape. Dieting and exercising is hard enough, without them having you breathing down their necks and turning yourself into a bootcamp instructor. Don’t focus on their faults and try to tell them what they should be doing, instead, focus on their achievements and cheer them on.
Get involved – You yourself may feel as if you could stand to lose a few pounds and get a little fitter and healthier, so what are you waiting for? If a friend or loved one is making the decision to get fit, healthy, and improve their life for the better, why don’t you get involved yourself? You could diet with them, go to the gym with them, or find sports and/or activities that you both enjoy doing. Having somebody to exercise with you is much easier than exercising alone, so just bear that in mind.
Don’t try to tempt them – Just because you’re hungry or feel like going to the bar for drinks, that does not mean that you should try to temp somebody you care about to go with you, especially if they are trying to get fitter and healthier. When it comes to health and fitness, the last thing people trying to get in shape will want, is to have other people around them constantly trying to temp them with vices that they know they shouldn’t have. Don’t offer them junk food, don’t try to get them to go to the bar for drinks with you, and don’t try to get them to cheat on their diets.
Don’t judge them – Let’s face it, dieting sucks, and sometimes after a bad day, the last thing we want is to come in from the cold and sit down to a bowl of steamed fish and veggies. Instead,we crave something we know we shouldn’t, and occasionally, that does us the world of good. If your friend/loved one has cheated on their diet or has been slacking a bit with the exercise, don’t sit there and judge them as that will simply make them feel worse. Instead, listen to what they have to say, and encourage them to get back on track the next day.